Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Did Jesus Save The World?
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Each mind, created "in the image," is an autonomous kingdom in its own right. Each sentient being, for better or worse, rules as absolute autocrat over one's own destiny.
Our own choices reign as dispositive. This is our glory as human beings. It was meant to be so; in that, we are to grow up to become mature, adult, sons and daughters of God. As such, no external source, no matter how august, can "save" us; what ever that means.
Each one, in sacred aloneness, must choose to unfold and unpack the riches within. And when this cosmic choice is made, only then can real change - authenitic, positive, altruistic change - flow into the world, displacing the dysfunctional and grasping Small Ego. No one can do this for us.