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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


The Great Psychologists Speak:

In Freud's "transference" we see the
needy inner-child
of a grown person,
distorting the world to relieve his
helplessness and fears, seeing things as
he wishes them to be for his own safety



return to main-page of the "Jesus" article


The research of the great psychologists reveals the Small Ego's "inner child" seeking for the safety and protection of a "strong parent" figure.

This distorted view of reality manifests as psychological attachment to a variety of "father symbols." However, for our purposes here, it must be noted that such immature dynamic can easily serve as basis for religious beliefs - fixations upon absolute-authority images: a savior god, a locus of universal evil, an infallible bible. 

The following articles were written specifically for the topic of "Satan" but also apply to "Jesus" and the ill-founded notion that an external savior might cleanse and heal what we are on the inside.

The Great Psychologists Speak: In Freud's "transference" we see the needy inner-child of a grown person, distorting the world to relieve helplessness and fears, seeing things as he wishes them to be for his own safety.

The Great Psychologists Speak: Ferenczi perceived that hypnotism reflects no domineering outside force but an inner slavishness, a hidden tendency toward blind belief and uncritical obedience.

Group-think: going mad in herds.




Editor's last word: