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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


How To Sit Quietly
In A Room Alone

Charlotte Dresser’s channeled writings reveal that people who cross over in a darkened frame of mind are required, in effect, to enter a “small quiet room.” It’s what they should have been doing all along.



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On the “Sensibility: 1-Minute” page I feature the channeled works of Charlotte Dresser. This information is among the most important on the Word Gems site.

I urge you to read the “Sensibility” writing in its entirety as it offers vital instruction concerning conditions we’ll find upon crossing over. The Guides over there state that 75% will spend at least a short time in a dark place.


Editor’s note: Elsewhere I've stated that if one finds oneself in a dark place upon crossing over, not to worry, we can leave the very same say - yes, the same day. So let's not obssess about this.

However, it should be pointed out, strange to say, that many do not want to leave dark detention. Many will linger in a dark place for months or years; and, in hard-core cases, they may settle in for decades or even centuries.

Why do they insist upon suffering?

All of us have friends and relatives who’ve ended up in a dark place and, in many cases, do not know how to get out; and sometimes they don’t want to. We might be able to help them.

See the lengthy discussion on the “Sensibility: 1-Minute” page.



For our purposes here, allow me to point out that the many testimonies by those in a dark place, and the remedies employed by helpers to rescue them, will remind us of the healing benefits of the “small quiet room.”

The helpers encourage the ones trapped in darkness to listen and to attempt to see. The problem is, these “prisoners in the dark closet” had been so accustomed to shutting down their sensibilities during the Earth mission, that now, upon crossing over, these critical faculties of the mind lie in a kind of dormancy, a state of atrophy, from lack of use; worse, from purposeful "closing of the eyes."

You’ll want to read the accounts for yourself, but, essentially, these hapless “in the dark” are, in a sense” forced into an equivalent of a “small quiet room” to regain their spiritual sensibilities. It’s what they should have been doing throughout their time on Earth.